BHA Main Line
Community Building


Certified Credit Counselors

Struggling to make ends meet?

The Bloomington Housing Authority is proud to announce that there are now three Certified Credit Counselors on staff! The Self-Sufficiency Coordinators will now be offering free credit counseling to any residents of Public Housing or Section 8 participants.

Life can be stressful at times and financial stress can be overwhelming. Ignoring the situation is not a way out and can lead to financial ruin. By working with a Credit Counselor to create a budget or start a savings account you can work towards financial freedom. A Credit Counselor can help connect you with resources in your community and offer support. By working together we can create options to help your situation. Perhaps you’re interested in becoming a homeowner in the future or maybe your goal is to retire comfortably. Either way, good credit and a solid plan is necessary in order to achieve your dreams.

The BHA Credit Counselors are available by appointment only Monday-Friday 8-4. If you are interested in starting on a path to financial freedom, please contact us today!

Residents living in the Public Housing Communities of Crestmont, Reverend Butler and Walnut Woods may call:

Heidi at (812) 339-3491 extension 115 or

Section 8 participants may contact either:

Elizabeth at (812) 339-3491 x120 or

Lorrie at (812) 339-3491 x128 or

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