Business Opportunities
Contract Opportunities with RAD
To inquire about RAD contract opportunities, please contact Rhonda Moore, Capital Assets Manager, at, or 812.339.3491 Ext: 135
Helpful guide for prospective contractors: Contractor Training Presentation 2019

Thank you for your interest in the Bloomington Housing Authority. If you are a supplier of products, goods and/or services, you have come to the right place. You may access the Procurement Policy here.
The BHA procures a wide range of supplies and equipment normally associated with household maintenance, repair of apartment units and the support of day-today operations of the BHA. This would include items such as electrical, plumbing, refrigerator and stove parts, blinds, vehicle parts, office and janitorial supplies. The BHA also procures services such as painting, ground maintenance, auditing, insurance, training, waste management and pest control services.
The Capital Asset Management Department procures services for architects and all construction related bids/proposals and coordinates modernization projects for the BHA.
All purchases exceeding $150,000 are procured through formally advertised Invitations for Bids (IFBs) and Request for Proposals (RFPs). Generally, RFPs are used for professional services, high-tech equipment and computer software, while IFBs and used for most other items that are purchased on a lowest most responsive and responsible bid basis.
The BHA actively reaches out to Minority Business Enterprises and Women Business Enterprises to fulfill our policy of promoting opportunities for such businesses.
Open RFPs and IFBs are advertised in the Public Notice section of the Herald Times classifieds.
For more information regarding the housing authority’s Capital Assets Department and available contracting opportunities, please contact Rhonda Moore at 812.339.3491 Ext. 135.
Requirements and Helpful Links for Contractors
- You may access the Procurement Policy here.
- All contractors doing business with BHA must provide current certificates of insurance as per the BHA Insurance Requirements found here.
- Safety is our primary concern! All contractors must comply with IOSHA Safety Guidelines & Requirements
- All contracts are procured in accordance with our Procurement Policy (upload PDF)
- Preference is given to Section 3 and WMBE businesses
- The Section 3 Act requires that qualified, low-income business owners be awarded work on HUD-funded contracts. You must register your company in the Section 3 Business Registry
- All contracts $2,000 and over require workers to be paid no less than stated in the Davis Bacon Wage Decisions
- E-Verify is an internet-based system that allows businesses to determine the eligibility of their employees to work in the United States. E-Verify is fast, free and easy to use – and it’s the best way employers can ensure a legal workforce. Contractors must register on the System Award Management (SAM.GOV) Entities may register at no cost directly from this page.
Other pertinent forms can be obtained on HUDCLIPS
Landlord Resources
Leasing with Housing Choice Voucher Program
If you wish to rent to an HCV family, and enjoy a number of benefits including lower vacancy rates, tenant stability and free property inspections you should inform BHA of the availability of your property. Ultimately, it is the HCV family’s decision whether or not to rent your property. Of course, as the landlord, you would screen the HCV family just as you would any other prospective tenant. The following steps summarize the process to become an HCV landlord:
- Review the Owner Guidebook and submit Direct Deposit form and W9
- Market your property
- Complete applicant suitability screening and select applicant
- Complete and submit a Request for Tenancy Approval (RTA)
- Pass Housing Quality Standards (HQS) Inspection
- Execute lease and Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract
- Comply with Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Contract
- Enforce and comply with lease agreement
To advertise your property or available unit, at no cost to you, please visit
Need to request a rent increase for your property? Click here to access the form.
HCV Inspections
The housing unit selected by the family must meet an acceptable level of health and safety before the BHA can approve the unit. When the voucher holder finds a unit that it wishes to occupy and reaches an agreement with the landlord over the lease terms, the BHA must inspect the dwelling and determine that the rent requested is reasonable. BHA will inspect the subsidized unit annually to determine that it meets HUD’s Housing Quality Standards (HQS). Click here for more information regarding HQS inspection standards.