
Notice of HCV Waitlist Opening

The Bloomington, Indiana Housing Authority’s Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) waiting list will open Tuesday, April 26, 2022 at 12 p.m. EST and remain open until further notice.  A five (5)-day notice will be given prior to the closing of the waiting list.

To better serve applicants and to make the application process available to all, including those who are least likely to apply, the entire application process will be available on-line at  Applicants may access status information regarding placement on the waiting list on-line at  All applications for Housing Choice Voucher Program must be submitted on-line at

The HCV waiting list is NOT first-come, first-served.  The waiting list is ordered and ranked by preference points which the family must verify.  Please visit for a listing of the local preference point system utilized by the Bloomington Housing Authority.

Bloomington Housing Authority offers computer lab access at the Community Building across the street from the BHA office located at 1007 N. Summit Street, Bloomington, IN 47404.  Please visit for current computer lab hours.

If you are a person with disabilities and require an accommodation for access to our programs and services, please contact our office via phone at 812.339.3491 or via e-mail at

Once the pre-application has been submitted, all changes and/or updates to family information on the pre-application must be submitted in writing to the Bloomington Housing Authority.  Failure to do so may result in termination of the pre-application.

In order to qualify, applicants must be income eligible (annual income must not exceed 50% Area Median Income) and annual household income must not exceed:

1 Person:   $26,750

2 Persons:  $30,550

3 Persons:  $34,350

4 Persons:  $38,150

5 Persons:  $41,250

6 Persons:  $44,300

7 Persons:  $47,350

8 Persons:  $50,400