Grocery Shuttle Policy and Registration

The BHA will operate the resident-based grocery shuttle service in accordance with this introductory policy effective July 5, 2023.

Grocery Shuttle Service

Rides can be scheduled by calling 812-269-4017 anytime during normal business hours. If a resident does not have access to a phone, they may come in-person to the Lindsey A. Smith Community Center located at 1002 N. Summit Street during normal business hours. If leaving a message, residents should detail the following: 

  • Name
  • Address
  • Callback Number
  • Requested destination
  • Number of riders (must be residents, no more than 3 people total)
Grocery Shuttle

The BHA grocery shuttle service will serve residents of Walnut Woods, Reverend Butler, and Crestmont on a first-come, first-serve basis according to the following interim set of rules:

The grocery shuttle will only run routes to the following stores: 

  • Kroger: All Bloomington Locations

  • Aldi (West): 2035 Liberty Dr. Bloomington, IN, 47403 

  • Walmart: 3313 IN-45, Bloomington, IN, 47403 

  • Sam’s Club: 3205 W, IN-45, Bloomington, IN, 47403 

  • Rides to additional stores will be allowed at the discretion of the BHA services team when feasible, relative to program demand/ridership. 

  • The grocery shuttle will provide rides to a maximum of 10 riders at one time.

  • Grocery shuttle services will be available on Wednesdays from 10am-4pm of each week (i.e., except for holidays or BHA closings). 

  • Any rider must register with the program before being allowed to schedule and receive rides. To register, program participant must complete a registration form and sign the rider acknowledgement embedded in this document. 

  • The BHA Services team will prioritize all ride requests on a first-come, first serve basis and will finalize the schedule of rides by 12pm each Tuesday (or until at capacity). Residents that are unable to receive a ride due to a full schedule, will be waitlisted and prioritized for the following week.

Rider Agreements:

  • Riders must meet at the designated pick-up location [Crestmont/Rev. Butler-BHA Lobby; Walnut Woods-Bus Shelter (E. Miller) or Community Building/Head Start (S. Park)] and designated pick-up time communicated by the BHA Services Team scheduler.
  • Riders will be given a maximum of 1-hour to shop at their chosen designated location.
    Riders may request to visit more than 1 of the designated locations (e.g., Kroger and Walmart); however, these requests will only be granted at the discretion of the BHA Services Team when feasible. Rider understands that they will be dropped off while other riders are being taken back home.
  • Riders will be picked up from a designated location identified by the Shuttle operator. 
  • Failure to report back to designated location within the allotted time can result in disqualification from future shuttle service use.

Code of Conduct: 

  • All riders must be of sound mind when utilizing the grocery shuttle service. This means that riders perceived to be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs may be denied service.
  • Riders must agree to wear their seatbelts and remain seated while in the shuttle at all times.
  • Riders must not cause any disruptions or interference to the operator of the shuttle. 
  • Riders must treat all other riders with respect, dignity and refrain from escalating any conflicts between passengers or other patrons while visiting stores.
  • Riders must agree to abide by all laws while utilizing the services of the grocery shuttle program.
  • Riders must be appropriately dressed when accessing the shuttle service, meaning clothed with shoes, shirt, bottoms (e.g., pants, skirt, shorts, etc.). Anyone deemed indecently dressed can be denied service.

Grocery Shuttle Registration Form

"*" indicates required fields

What programs are you currently on:*
Please enter a number from 1 to 3.
MM slash DD slash YYYY